Order Options

Starter Distributed to Notjustok

$150* *₦87,075 for manual payment in Naira

Premium Distributed to Notjustok, Toox, 9jaloaded, Bella

$550* *₦319,275 for manual payment in Naira

Gold Distributed to all Premium blogs and these 30 blogs

$1,100* *₦638,550 for manual payment in Naira

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Minimum resolution 500px x 500px

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Maximum size is 15 megabytes. (mp3 files only)

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Artist Name


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Addons: Instagram Promotion

Starter 1 post on Notjustok

$207* *₦120,000 for manual payment in Naira
24-72 hours to publish

Premium 4 posts on Notjustok

$620* *₦360,000 for manual payment in Naira
24-72 hours to publish

Gold 12 posts on Notjustok

$1,860* *₦1,080,000 for manual payment in Naira
24-72 hours to publish

$25* per additional Media/slide IG post *₦10,000
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Total In Naira ₦0